10 ottobre 2007

Quesito della settimana XV

Si può imparare a giocare con altre regole?

When one shews someone the king in chess and says: "This is the king", this does not tell him the use of this piece - unless he already knows the rules of the game up to this last point: the shape of the king. You could imagine his having learnt the rules of the game without ever having been strewn an actual piece. The shape of the chessman corresponds here to the sound or shape of a word.

One can also imagine someone's having learnt the game without ever learning or formulating rules. He might have learnt quite simple board-games first, by watching, and have progressed to more and more complicated ones.

Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigation, §31

p.s. purtroppo non sono riuscito a travoare on line una versione delle Ricerche Filosofiche in italiano, e il libro è nella vecchia libreria. Trattandosi gia questa di una traduzione, non l'ho tradotta.

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